Company details

The company details page is where you can view and edit company details once the company has been created.

The information here is the same as you would have entered on the Company details tab when creating your client.

Basic details

The basic details are the names and codes that the company is known by in the software. You must have a Client code, short name and full name for the client to be able to save the details on this page.

Contact details

You can manage and maintain all of the contact details for the client in this pane of the page,

Statutory details

This is a record of all statutory details about the company, some of which are required for online filing.

Password protection

For added security you can password protect this company. Whenever anyone tries to open the company they’ll be prompted to enter the password created here before they can see any client details.

Allocated to

The Allocated to pane allows you to choose the users that are responsible for this client, and you can choose different users for different levels of responsibility.

This also means that when users log on to the software, the companies that are allocated to them will appear in their My clients list.